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3D Virtual Prototyping of Clothing Products

About this course

About this course

The program is designed to acquire the competencies necessary to adapt to a new workplace and new technologies. Knowledge and practical skills are acquired to apply digital technologies in the fashion industry, performing virtual prototyping of clothing, creating virtual 3D model collections and presenting them in e-commerce and virtual platforms. Competencies are developed during theoretical, practical sessions and individual consultations.


You will learn:

You will learn to perform virtual fitting of clothing models, select materials, check the product's fit and assess comfort. You will learn to create a virtual mini-collection by changing material patterns, selecting stitching, and applying 2D and 3D accessories.



phone: -

Start date: Upon request
Duration: 12 ac. hrs.
Language: Lithuanian
Price: 300 Eur
Method of organisation: Distance learning / On-campus learning
Skill area: Digital transformation
Certificate: Issued

The training is designed to provide the knowledge and skills in the application of methods of gradation of clothing in sizes and heights at the production preparation stage

On-campus learning / 12 ac. hrs.

Competencies are developed to analyse clothing sketches, materials and technological solutions and to propose the best technological solution for design implementation.

On-campus learning / 8 ac. hrs.

Skill areas

Digital transformation
sustainable development
advanced technologies
entrepreneurship and innovation
personal development and leadership


Primary Contact Information

K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 654 24 366

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager
Jurgita Stravinskienė
Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning

phone: +370 612 12 788

Jurgita Stravinskienė

Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning
Justina Banionienė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 671 36146

Justina Banionienė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager