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Analysis of Social Media Data with MAXQDA

About this course

About this course

Social media is often seen by researchers as a treasure trove of naturally occurring data. Research-based on the analysis of social media data has become very popular in recent decades. Various tools can be used to automatically collect data from social media such as Twitter and Youtube, manually or automatically encode it, analyse it at different scales and display the results in different types of figures and tables. One such tool is the increasingly popular MAXQDA software, which is used worldwide for qualitative and mixed-methods research. In this training, you will learn about and practice extracting (automated), coding (automated and traditional), analysing and displaying data from social media. We recommend that you take the "Qualitative data analysis with MAXQDA: introductory level" training beforehand.


You will learn:

Import data from Twitter and Youtube and prepare it for analysis. Apply data analysis techniques such as content and thematic analysis, etc. Use MAXQDA visual tools to display data and produce reports.



phone: +370 673 61133

Start date: Coming soon
Duration: 4 ac. hrs.
Language: English, Lithuanian, Spanish
Price: 35 Eur
Method of organisation: Distance learning / On-campus learning
Skill area: Digital transformation
Certificate: Issued

The training is designed for beginners working with the qualitative data analysis software MAXQDA

Distance learning / On-campus learning / 8 ac. hrs.

The training is designed to provide knowledge and skills in the application of statistical methods for the analysis of quantitative data

Distance learning / On-campus learning / 40 ac. hrs.

Skill areas

Digital transformation
sustainable development
advanced technologies
entrepreneurship and innovation
personal development and leadership


Primary Contact Information

K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 654 24 366

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager
Jurgita Stravinskienė
Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning

phone: +370 612 12 788

Jurgita Stravinskienė

Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning
Justina Banionienė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 671 36146

Justina Banionienė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager