The program is intended for life science teachers and students. During the classes, attention is paid to topics related to food and healthy nutrition, which are relevant not only as additional information for the freely chosen content, but also correspond to the classes planned for the BUP. During the program, theory and practical exercises cover the following topics: 1. Analysis of the values presented on the food label and nutrition declaration, application of this knowledge in the formation of a healthy diet. 2. Chemical composition of food products, main components, their influence on product quality and safety. 3. Influence of food storage, production and consumption processes performed at home on the sensory properties of food, safety and good practices for preserving nutrients. 4. Vitamins and minerals in food and food supplements, their significance for human health and an possible risks. 5. Development of critical thinking by analyzing various food supplements.
Participants will develop cognitive and creative competencies and, upon completion of the program, will be able to analyze food product nutrition declarations and labels, understand the information provided in them and apply it to form healthy eating habits. They will also learn to critically evaluate food product labels, recognize the most important elements, color codes and other important information that helps to make a decision to purchase and consume a product. Participants will gain knowledge about the importance of vitamins and minerals for human health, their sources in food and food supplements. They will also acquire practical skills on how to analyze food product labels and nutrition declarations, how to plan a healthy diet, how to properly store, prepare and consume food products. These competencies are very important for a person to be a conscious consumer.
phone: +37061886118
Aelita Zabulionė yra diplomuota pedagogė, turinti gausią įvairių formų mokymo patirtį. Moksliniame darbe gilinasi į maisto produktų juslinę analizę, mikrobiologinės saugos užtikrinimą inovatyviomis priemonėmis ir maisto produktų teisinio reguliavimo, ženklinimo ypatybes. Aelita yra vienintelė lietuvė, tapusi prestižinės EU-FORA stažuočių programos Europos maisto saugos tarnyboje (angl. EFSA) alumne.
K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146