The Future Workshop (FW) is a popular methodology in futures studies for gathering opinions and ideas about possible future developments. It brings together people from different disciplines to collaborate on common problems and visions. FW is particularly effective in solving complex problems by reconciling often conflicting opinions. It can be used to analyze current business processes and explore new directions based on perceived future opportunities and scenarios. FW serves not only as a decision-making tool but also as a social learning tool, helping participants better understand processes and actively contribute to change. Participants develop collaboration skills and contribute to strategies that shape the future through a shared vision and goals. The approach empowers participants to address organisational challenges while promoting sustainable and innovative solutions.
You'll strengthen your systemic and creative thinking skills, learn about future-oriented thinking and improve your teamwork skills.
phone: +370 37 407 720
Egle Butkeviciene, PhD, serves as full Professor of Sociology and head of Committee for Political Science, Sociology and Public Governance Study Programs at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology. She holds a visiting professor appointment at University of Central Florida. Her research and teaching focuses on civil society issues, public governance, social innovations, citizen science, social entrepreneurship, environmental activism, social networks, and social impact of technologies. She is a founding member of the Citizen Science Association in Lithuania and currently she is a member of ECSA Board of Directors. She serves as expert evaluator for various organizations, including: the Research Council of Lithuania, and European Commission. She has published over 50 articles in peer review journals and book chapters, and is co-editor of a book series "Democratic Dilemmas and Policy Responsiveness", published by Lexington Books.
Jolanta Vaičiūnienė is an expert in the field of public administration, focusing on local democracy and civil society issues, local governance, community development, migration, sustainable public procurement, citizen science and social policy. She is the Head of the Municipal Training Centre at Kaunas University of Technology. While working at the Centre, she has gained more than 20 years of experience in leading international and European projects in higher and vocational education sectors. Jolanta has managed a variety of projects that have strengthened the capacity of municipal governments throughout Lithuania and has provided knowledge sharing for public officials, NGO leaders, students in other European communities. Also, she is a member of the Research Group "Civil Society and Sustainability" at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. She is co-editor of Palgrave Macmillan’s book series “Rethinking University and Community Policy Connections”.
Dr Raminta Puėtaitė is professor at KTU whose research interests include social sustainability, organizational ethics management, responsible research and innovation, organisational social responsibility, and social and environmental impact assessment methodology. Using innovative teaching methodologies (e.g. design thinking, hackathon, problem-based learning), Dr. Pučėtaitė teaches Leadership and Human Resource Management Ethics, Ethics and Values in the Public Sector, Public Sector and Business Ethics in Lithuania and abroad. Since 2023, she is the Chair of the KTU Gender Equality and Violence Prevention Commission.
The training to develop competencies to critically evaluate decisions and behaviour in research and innovation, guided by ethics, openness and sustainable development
Distance learning / On-campus learning / 60 ac. hrs.
K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146