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Is it Possible to Interest the (Z) Generation in Math?

About this course

About this course

Mathematics didactics is a science that seeks to answer the fundamental questions: why to teach, i.e. what should be the aims and principles of today's mathematics education; what to teach, i.e. what should be the content of mathematics education and the structure of its teaching; how to teach, i.e. which methods, tools, forms, technologies contribute to ensuring the quality of teaching and learning that meets the needs of society and the individual; and the competencies and preparation of the mathematics teacher. These seminars will seek to answer some of the questions addressed by mathematics didactics in mathematics education.


You will learn:

You will learn about generational theory. You will learn how colleagues and neuroscientists advise on mathematics teaching and learning, taking into account generational differences. You will discuss the highlights of the renewed mathematics curriculum and the requirements for competence development. Explore and practice active approaches to teaching mathematics. You will learn about and practice differentiation and individualisation of mathematics teaching(learning).


Celiešienė Gabija

phone: +370 37 300 311

Start date: Coming soon
Duration: 2 ac. hrs.
Language: Lithuanian
Price: Free
Method of organisation: Distance learning / On-campus learning
Skill area: Innovative educational practices
Certificate: Issued

Training introduces the latest developments in the rapidly evolving field of big data

On-campus learning / 24 ac. hrs.

The seminar is dedicated to the presentation of KTU research and study programmes

On-campus learning / 3 ac. hrs.

Skill areas

Digital transformation
sustainable development
advanced technologies
entrepreneurship and innovation
personal development and leadership


Primary Contact Information

K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 654 24 366

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager
Jurgita Stravinskienė
Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning

phone: +370 612 12 788

Jurgita Stravinskienė

Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning
Justina Banionienė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 671 36146

Justina Banionienė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager