The national exam is a serious test of knowledge for every pupil. In order to avoid anxiety and to pass the exam with the highest possible score, KTU MGMF mathematicians invite students to prepare for the state mathematics maturity exam together. The content of the preparatory courses consists of the most relevant and most frequent topics in the state mathematics maturity exams. Each week you will have a weekly session prepared by experienced lecturers, during which you will study the most important aspects of preparing for the state mathematics maturity exam. Places are limited (40 places). The course is open to students in Years 12 and 11. Distant classes are held on Tuesdays from 17.30 to 19.00 (2 ac.h.).
To organise your time, solve a variety of algebra and geometry problems, differentiate between types of problems, apply several problem-solving methods, and write down the solution according to the requirements of the state mathematics maturity exam.
phone: +37068413849
Dr. Birutė Narijauskaitė is the head of the Mathematics Laboratory Department. The lecturer publishes scientific articles, participates in the preparation of the the Prof. J. Matulionis Young Mathematicians' Competition.
Dr. Kristina Pupalaigė is an associate professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Her researches is solution of differential problems with nonlocal conditions applying finite difference methods. The doctor has developed 3 modules (KTU Moodle); has published 13 scientific articles, 8 of which in high-level international journals. The doctor presents her scientific results at international conferences every year.
Loreta Mačėnaitė is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Modeling at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). Her field of study is natural sciences, and her field of research is mathematics. She is a member of the research group "Didactics of Mathematics and Research on the Education of (Highly) Gifted Children and Young People" and the Lithuanian Mathematical Society. She is also a co-author of mathematics educational books for KTU students. L. Mačėnaitė actively participates in educational activities: she gives lectures at the annual science festival "Spaceship Earth" and to schoolchildren in schools, is a member of the organizing committee of the republican Prof. J. Matulionis Young Mathematicians Competition, and leads mathematics educational classes for schoolchildren in the KTU non-formal education project "Children's University" and in the mathematics laboratory "MatLab" organized by the Kaunas Education Innovation Center.
Dr. Violeta Kravčenkienė is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Modelling. Her field of study is natural sciences and her field of research is Mathematics (N001). She is a member of the research group "Didactics of Mathematics and Research on Education of (Highly) Gifted Children and Young People". She has co-authored educational books for university students and a textbook for school students. She is an active participant in science popularisation activities: she publishes articles on science popularisation, and participates in the preparation of the republican competitions for schoolchildren "MEKA" and the Prof. J. Matulionis Young Mathematicians' Competition. It participates in the Kaunas City Project for (Very) Gifted Students and the annual science festival "Spaceship - Earth".
Dr. Stase Petraitienė is an associate professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics. Her field of study is natural sciences, field of study is mathematics (N001) and materials engineering (T008). She is the co-author of an educational book for university students. Actively participates in scientific activities: in collaboration with KTU Faculty of Mechanics researchers publishes scientific articles (in publications indexed in the Web of Science database with a citation index), presents research results at international conferences, participates in the preparation of the republican Prof. J. Matulionis competition of young mathematicians. Supervises bachelor's theses, majors in applied mathematics. Participates in the activities of the Children's University.
Dr. Mindaugas Šnipas is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Modelling, Kaunas University of Technology, and a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Cardiology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. His research spans biophysical modelling, gap junction electrophysiology, and intercellular communication, with contributions to the mathematical modelling of connexin channel gating and its role in cardiac and neuronal systems. He has authored more than 20 scientific papers and more than 30 conference presentations, and has lead research projects funded by the Research Council of Lithuania, Santaka Valley Association, and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Kaunas University of Technology. Dr. Šnipas is involved in teaching and science outreach, that includes organising mathematics competitions for high school students, and evaluation of presentations of young researchers at scientific conferences.
Dr. Bronė Narkevičienė is the Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Modelling. Research interests: mathematics didactics, education of gifted children and young people. She is the author of mathematics textbooks for gymnasiums, a monograph and more than 70 scientific articles, mathematics methodological tools and other publications. She is the author of the international scientific journals Gifted and Talented International, Teaching Mathematics: Retrospective and Perspectives, Gifted Children: Challenges and Possibilities", member of the editorial and/or review committees of the Lithuanian Mathematics Collection, member of the Evaluation Committee of European Council for High Ability for the development of the European Talent Support Network, and head of the Ministry of Education and Science's working group that developed the first Lithuanian strategy for the development of gifted children and young people.
Dr. Vilma Petrauskienė is a senior lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Modeling and a member of the Nonlinear Systems Research Group. She teaches the modules Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2 to students, supervises students' final theses, and participates in organizing the national Prof. J. Matulionis Young Mathematicians' Contest. She has published scientific articles in various academic journals, delivers presentations at conferences, and is a member of the Lithuanian Mathematical Society.
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On-campus learning / 24 ac. hrs.
K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146