The seminar is dedicated to the presentation of KTU research and study programmes. The seminar introduces innovations in physics, materials science and nanotechnology, as well as study programmes. We will introduce the admission procedure to KTU, career opportunities, as well as changes and innovations in physics teaching in general education schools and at the university.
Visualise and explain phenomena in different areas of physics in a compelling way using physics demonstrations. Construct student-friendly demonstrations of the law of momentum conservation, sound wave battles, critical thermodynamic states, and demonstrations of the heat capacity of water and the voltammetric characteristics of semiconductors, with the possibility of making quantitative measurements. About the applications of plasma technology in biomedicine, food industry, environmental protection, agriculture, energy, automotive, thin film and new materials, etc. About the origins of quantum physics (ideas of Copernicus, Planck, and Einstein). The subtleties, paradoxes and interpretation of the quantum theory. About the application of quantum physics to quantum technologies, their variations, need and prospects.
phone: +370 620 68 201
Dr. Benas Gabrielis Urbonavičius is an Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Head of the Curriculum Committee for Physics, Materials and Medical Technologies. His research interests include health sciences, physics and measurement engineering. He teaches modules on Nuclear and Particle Physics, Medical Imaging and Methods, Radiation Contamination, Physics of Radiation Medicine, Challenge-based Innovation and others.
Habil. Dr. Arvaidas Galdikas is a professor of the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Habilitated Doctor of Physics, and a full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Research interests: physical and chemical processes of interactions between ionized particles and the surface of solid bodies, mathematical modelling of heterogeneous non-superconducting processes on the surfaces of solid bodies. Developed the theory of dynamic processes of plasma nitridation of biomedical metal alloys. With researchers at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki he developed kinetic models for the synthesis of diamond-like carbon coatings. For Toyota, he developed models to simulate mass transfer and chemical reaction processes in nanoclustered automotive catalysts, together with colleagues from the University of Poitiers, France. With co-authors he published more than 100 scientific papers in international scientific journals and 7 educational books.
Dr. Liutauras Marcinauskas is a Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. His research interests include the formation of ceramic, amorphous carbon and nanocomposite layers using plasma forming techniques. Study of optical, electrical, mechanical and tribological properties of thin films. Development of new plasma sources for irradiation of plants and seeds. He is the leader of the research project "Plasma applications for the development of smart and sustainable agriculture".
Dr. Živilė Rutkūnienė is Associate Professor at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Vice-Dean of the Faculty. Her research interests are technological sciences and natural sciences. Applications of plasmochemical technologies: formation and study of amorphous carbon and diamond-like carbon coatings, nanoparticles and hidden layers; application of plasmochemical technologies. Together with other researchers, he developed and established the bachelor's degree programmes in Physics of Materials and Nanotechnology, Engineering Physics, and the master's degree in Physics of Materials.
Dr. Diana Adlienė is Professor of Physics and Head of the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Her research interests include radiation physics, radiation pollution, radiation safety, medical physics (pioneer in Lithuania), nuclear and neutron physics, dosimetry. Together with colleagues of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, in 2003 he introduced the Master's degree programme in Medical Physics at Kaunas University of Technology, which has been successfully carried out so far, led joint KTU-LSMU research projects, and published more than 100 papers together with co-authors. Her research interests are related to the research and application of ionizing radiation in medicine, i.e. the design and development of dosimetry equipment (gel dosimeters) and methods and materials for the production of dosimeters, in order to achieve individualized treatment of oncological patients in radiation medicine.
The training is designed for persons without teaching qualification, planning to work as a teacher in initial vocational training or a teacher in non-formal education of children
Blended learning / 180 ac. hrs.
Seminar is aimed to introduce generational differences and how to teach Generation Z
Distance learning / On-campus learning / 2 ac. hrs.
Students are invited to prepare for the state mathematics maturity exam
Distance learning / 50 ac. hrs.
K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146