KTU School of Architecture invites 14-18 year old students who likes to create and want to get acquainted with architecture and the architectural profession to the summer camp "Architecture Academy". Participants work both individually and in teams, mentored by KTU architecture study program students, and classes are led by KTU lecturers. The duration of the camp is 5 days (40 hours). Classes are held daily from 9:00 to 17:00, during which participants get acquainted with the basics of architectural design, listen to theoretical lectures, practically create building projects, produce models of building and/or territory and building computer 3D models. "Thematic" trips have also become a tradition, visiting and exploring urban complexes or architectural objects in Kaunas relevant to a specific design topic. During the camp, participants will prepare a personal and/or team project, acquire collaboration and teamwork skills, and gain an impression of the architectural profession.
At the "Architecture Academy" you will learn to analyze the architectural and urban environment surrounding you, interpret and create, design a building and produce a model of the building and/or environment; you will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about architectural design.
phone: +370 609 50483
email laura.jankauskaite-jureviciene@ktu.lt
Jurga Vitkuviene, lecturer at KTU, Member of the EDU_Lab Teaching and Learning Competence Centre team, expert in innovative teaching methodologies and extensive practical experience in teamwork, creativity and architectural design skills.
Laura Jankauskaitė-Jurevičienė, architect, lecturer at KTU, with extensive experience in developing creativity, architectural design skills, and organizing various formal and informal educational activities.
Marius Ivaškevičius Dr., KTU prof. assistant, researcher, lecturer, certified architect, and urban planner, with extensive experience in developing creativity in the use of information technologies. Marius actively participates in scientific innovation projects and works with interdisciplinary teams, developing the most important modern competencies, such as the creation and use of artificial intelligence solutions.
Students are invited to prepare for the state mathematics maturity exam
Distance learning / 50 ac. hrs.
K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146
email mvg@ktu.lt