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Training Courses for Metrology Inspectors and Metrologists

About this course

About this course

The qualification courses are provided under an approved programme, developed following the OIML D-14 requirements for legal metrology personnel, providing theoretical metrology knowledge for work in legal and industrial metrology and related fields requiring specific technical-professional competence and experience. The training aims to prepare modern metrologists and metrology inspectors who meet the requirements of the international legal metrology (OIML), accreditation and standardisation organisations and the needs of the Lithuanian market for work in the legal and industrial metrology and related fields requiring specific technical-professional competencies and experience.


You will learn:

About the object and methods of measurement, basic metrological characteristics of measuring instruments, classification of errors and their calculation principles during verification (calibration) procedures, legal-industrial metrology, maintenance of the quality of measuring equipment and measurement process in the company and laboratories, organisation of maintenance and control of measuring instruments, technical and documentation base of measurements, the use of modern measuring instruments and methods for measurement of various quantities. You will learn the general principles and objectives of the transmission of units of measurement, the conditions of the measuring area, the specifics of the classification of standards, the principles of international and national metrology, and the procedures of metrological supervision. Upon completion of the course, a certificate of the metrology inspector is issued. The certificate is valid for 5 years.



phone: +370 37 300 776

Start date: Upon request
Duration: 80 ac. hrs.
Language: Lithuanian
Price: 800 Eur
Method of organisation: Distance learning
Skill area: Advanced technologies, Sustainable development
Certificate: Issued

The programme is designed for the reassessment of the qualifications of metrology inspectors and tachograph inspectors.

Distance learning / 8 ac. hrs.

The course is designed for upskilling by updating the acquired knowledge and introducing the current trends in metrology

Distance learning / 20 ac. hrs.

Skill areas

Digital transformation
sustainable development
advanced technologies
entrepreneurship and innovation
personal development and leadership


Primary Contact Information

K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 654 24 366

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager
Jurgita Stravinskienė
Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning

phone: +370 612 12 788

Jurgita Stravinskienė

Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning
Justina Banionienė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 671 36146

Justina Banionienė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager