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Training Programme for Construction Safety and Health Coordinators

About this course

About this course

The aim of the course is to train and assess the readiness of construction health and safety coordinators to perform their duties. Teaching methods: lectures, discussions, individual independent work. The course is held remotely twice a year in spring/autumn. Persons who have completed the training programme for construction safety and health coordinators and whose knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health is verified (certified) by an attestation commission set up by order of the head of the training institution are issued with a certificate for construction safety and health coordinators, valid for 5 years.


You will learn:

- About occupational safety & health regulatory requirements; - requirements for organising & carrying out construction work on a construction site to ensure the safety & health of workers; - causes of occupational accidents & occupational diseases during construction work; - principles for the organisation of occupational risk assessment (identification, investigation, determination of factors) on construction sites & the development of measures to eliminate and/or reduce the identified risks, the organisation & control of their implementation; - principles of communication & cooperation between social partners. Acquire the skills to: - prepare a plan for the implementation of occupational safety & health measures on a construction site & adjust to progress of the work & changes that occur; - organise and coordinate cooperation between two or more contractors, employers and self-employed workers to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.



phone: +370 37 300 473

Start date: Coming soon
Duration: 68 ac. hrs.
Language: Lithuanian
Price: 495 Eur
Method of organisation: Distance learning
Skill area: Advanced technologies
Certificate: Issued

Training introduces basic principles of building information management, the overall data environment, information requirements, data exchange standards and the use of information

On-campus learning / 16 ac. hrs.

Training enhances expertise in energy performance certification of buildings in accordance with STR 2.01.02:2016 "Design and certification of energy performance of buildings"

Distance learning / On-campus learning / 7 ac. hrs.

Training provides knowledge on the Sustainable Development Goals and environmental issues related to the construction sector

On-campus learning / 5 ac. hrs.

Skill areas

Digital transformation
sustainable development
advanced technologies
entrepreneurship and innovation
personal development and leadership


Primary Contact Information

K. Donelaičio St. 73
44249 Kaunas, Lithuania
phone: +370 (671) 36 146

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 654 24 366

Lukrecija Ašembergaitė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager
Jurgita Stravinskienė
Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning

phone: +370 612 12 788

Jurgita Stravinskienė

Head of the Centre for Lifelong Learning
Justina Banionienė
Lifelong Learning Project Manager

phone: +370 671 36146

Justina Banionienė

Lifelong Learning Project Manager